Three Benefits Of Hardwood Flooring

Have you ever considered getting hardwood flooring as an alternative to ordering new carpet installation? As your trusted local roofing company and restoration experts, we're pretty knowledgeable in dealing with both. Carpet and hardwood have their benefits, but if you've never considered hardwood, you should know that it's a pretty solid choice (pardon the pun) when considering installing a new floor.
Today, your #1 Brookhaven roofing company is going to give you the scoop on some of the major benefits of hardwood flooring. Three of the major benefits, to be exact.
#1: It's An Instant Upgrade To The Look Of Your Home
Carpet looks nice, but there's an elegance to hardwood flooring that cannot be denied. When hardwood flooring is well-maintained, it boosts the look and feel of your home to another level. For instance, a well-installed and well-maintained hardwood floor can turn a modest single-family home into the jewel of the block.
Extra bonus: hardwood flooring can go a long way toward boosting your home's value if you ever look to sell it.
#2: Hardwood Flooring Is Easier To Clean
If you've ever had, or currently have, carpet floors in your home, you know how tough they can be to clean. If your carpet gets stained, you'll likely find yourself doing hours of scrubbing to try and erase them. Even then, you'll probably be left with a small reminder of a spill, even after you have your carpet steam cleaned.
With a hardwood floor, all it really takes to clean it in most cases is a quick pass with a mop. If you accidentally spill something, a quick drop of a towel, a few minutes, and then a pass with a mop can take care of it in no time. It goes without saying that hardwood floors are far easier to clean than carpet.
#3: Hardwood Floors Are Easier To Maintain
Carpet requires lots of steam cleaning and vacuuming if you want to keep it looking its best. While you can opt to vacuum a hardwood floor regularly to keep it looking debris-free, all it really needs is a quick mop now and then and maybe a little polish every so often to have it shining bright. Few types of flooring are truly easier to maintain than hardwood flooring.
Are you still on the fence about whether or not to go with hardwood flooring or carpet? If so, give us a call. Our friendly pros will be more than happy to help you find the floor that's right for your home.

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